What is a historic alteration permit?

The Coronado Historical Association monitors the City of Coronado's Historic Resource Commission to see what is happening to the historic structures that are in town. We often see historic alteration permits on the agenda, but what is a historic alteration permit?

The City of Coronado runs the Historic Preservation Program which recognizes that there are unique and valuable resources within the community that reflects the City's cultural and historical heritage, and enhances community character. As part of that program, a Historic Resource Alteration Permit (HAP) review is required for any exterior modification to a designated Historic Resource. This could be anything from changing a window, updating a roof, or as large as adding an extra room or floor to a house. This review protects Historic Resources from becoming so altered that they lose their character-defining features. 

Each project on a Historic Resource has to be reviewed by the Historic Resource Commission to be approved. Many people assume that owning a historic home means that you can never change or alter the appearance, however, changes are allowable under certain guidelines. The Historic Resource Commission uses the guidelines set forth by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties when reviewing and approving alteration projects. These rehabilitation guidelines help property owners, architects, builders, and the commission determine if the alteration project preserves those portions or features of the building which convey its historical, cultural, or architectural values. The rehabilitation guidelines detail the best ways to repair, alter and add to historic buildings, with specific recommendations on everything from masonry to structural systems to plumbing.

The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties Rehabilitation Guidelines can be reviewed here: https://www.coronado.ca.us/UserFiles/Servers/Server_746006/File/government/departments/comm%20dev/historic%20preservation/090519%20SOI%20Stds%20Rehabilitation.pdf

Check out the upcoming City of Coronado Historic Resource Commission meeting tomorrow, April 15th at 3 pm on Coronado TV to see the commission review four Historic Resource Alteration permits!

You can read about the upcoming Historic Resource Commission meeting agenda items at this link: https://www.coronado.ca.us/government/boards_commissions/historic_resource_commission/agendas___minutes