• 619.435.7242
  • 1100 Orange Avenue, Coronado CA 92118

Policies for Accessing the Collections

  • The Research Center stacks and collections storage areas are closed for browsing. Materials are pulled in advance to be used one at a time, under staff supervision.
  • Researchers will conduct themselves so that an environment conducive to research is maintained.
  • All researchers must register each day they use the collections.
  • Personal items, such as bags and other belongings, must be placed in the designated area upon arrival. However, use of notebooks, paper, pencils (no pens), laptops, and other note-taking supplies are allowed to be used during the appointment.
  • Eating and drinking are not allowed, except waterbottles with a secure lid.
  • Researchers may not under any circumstances remove materials from the research center. Materials may not be borrowed.
  • Personal or phone cameras may be used for research purposes if approved by the staff of the Research Center. All images taken on personal cameras can only be used for study, teaching, or research purposes and should be used in compliance with copyright law.  Researchers cannot reproduce images without permission from the institution, including online posting.
  • Photocopies of materials are available for a nominal fee if the condition and legal status of the material warrant it. Other copies or reproductions can be ordered for use in publication, display, or other uses. The use of such copies requires written permission from the Coronado Historical Association through the Non-Exclusive License Agreement. Use and reproductions fees are required. The researcher is responsible for complying with copyright law.
  • Researchers may be asked to provide a valid form of ID, which staff will photocopy, prior to using sensitive collections.

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